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AR For

Marketing Agencies

Printing & Graphic Design

Sports Teams




Use Cases

Direct Response Marketing

Digital Marketing

Paper-based marketing


Fan Engagement


Sales Enablement


Design Services

3D Graphics

Campaign Management

2 min read

The Art of Marketing Applications. Our Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly, Soar Approach.

The Art of Marketing Applications. Our Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly, Soar Approach.
“Where do I begin” “Who can do this” “Who can I trust to implement without me being the guinea pig?” We hear these questions often. We’ve been listening to prospects and customers for nearly 30 years. There was the internet, webpages, smartphones, VDP, Cross Media, Omnichannel, QR codes, and more. The first question from marketers that are forward-thinking is “I want to be the first one to offer this, but how can we make money?” After discussing this with those marketers, the next question is, “Can I trust you to take my/our limited resources and implement a solid strategy?” Stefan and I have been working with clients for 30 years, always on the lookout for new technologies that help us help businesses form innovative communication strategies and tactics. We’ve worked with startups as well as some of today’s most recognizable brands. What we have learned from our clients is that no matter the size of the company 98% of our clients prefer to “crawl” before they take a “leap of faith.” So… we removed that leap of faith. No one wants the unexpected keeping them up at night. Based on this knowledge, we’ve developed the RealityBLU Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly, Soar approach. Here’s how it works.


You’ve heard of Augmented Reality (AR) and you may have heard of BLUairspace ®. It seems to be a good opportunity to showcase your product or service. To help you understand the capabilities you can utilize our realityBLU App as a POC (proof-of-concept). You won’t incur any mobile app costs and you’ll be up and running with iOS or Android. We’ll support your set-up, get you trained and you’ll have the opportunity to deploy up to three campaigns.


You get it! You have a massive product launch in a few locations and AR is a perfect solution. In the Walk stage, we get a bit more complex. Implementing the realityBLU App as is, re-skinned, as a custom build or using our SDK you may have requirements for more resources and additional campaigns. Our Walk approach will step you through the process.


You are off to the races! You started with walk and now you are off and Running! Your project size has grown or other product lines are seeing your success. With this stage, you can setup 25 campaigns across five accounts in any way that fits your business.


And liftoff! You may need immediate implementation or you have been running and now is the time to increase the number of users or campaigns. The Fly stage is an easy transition to help you accommodate an increase in the number of accounts or campaign volume.


The sky is the limit for your business. You might be an international company with multiple campaign requirements or a reseller or agency offering unique AR programs for your clients. Our team will provide pre-sales support, pitch support for clients, setup, campaign implementation & training for up to 10 users located anywhere. Remove any concern about a leap of faith. Let’s talk about our industry-proven Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly, Soar approach to your marketing success.
M.J. Anderson is the Chief Experience Officer, RealityBLU. Contact the team here. 


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